Edmund Fisher’s Acceptance


Edmund Fisher’s Acceptance is the fourth booklet of the WillowWise series and we have recently discovered that Mahogany’s grey world has some peculiar characters. Mahogany has discovered her own secret strength, a power she will need for what lies ahead.

Willow Wise is a dystopian tale of a girl named Mahogany who sits under an imagined willow tree. She lives in a concrete world of grey and she talks to pigeons. She’s a misfit. She’s magical. This is no ordinary story, it is not niche. It is not perfection. It is raw and rough and poetic and pretty. It is a bridge between fantasy and reality, designed to invade your heart and linger in your mind. Soul travels through the lines and urges you to dream, to believe, to let go, to love. While not always knowing which way to travel, or whom to trust, this is a fairytale spun from the fabric of true life and woven into wisdom.

SKU: ISBN 9781912206162 Category:


These small and beautiful books are hand crafted, assembled upon each individual order. Embracing sustainability we hope to limit the waste of over production and return to vintage quality making. Our printed books in this series are designed as an art piece as well as a story to read again and again. Fully illustrated and crafted to create a memorable gift.

The story is divided into eleven smaller booklets. Each, an art piece of its own, but an unfinished story. To complete the story you must enjoy acquiring the collection. Willow Wise seeks to build suspense and engagement among you. In these modern times with our strained attention spans and time pressured lives, the author aims to keep you for a short but beautiful moment. Over time the goal is to keep you returning, and to create a stillness for you and your family to retreat to and embrace. The entire collection and the depth within is in pursuit of stillness and balance.


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