I meant to add this ages ago, and coming across the pictures tonight I decided to do it today. Halloween has always been my favourite of the standard annual celebrations. My whole family seems to …
Dolly & Pentatonix
Phoenix used to play Pentatonix non stop on repeat endlessly. It sometimes drove me absolutely bonkers. Recently they came to London and so it was a given that we had to be there. I’d never let her miss that.
Black and White
I loved the way these varied ropes, in their careful placement by Sheela Gowda, made such striking shapes. Her work called ‘Behold’ is an installation of suspended car bumpers entangled by heavy rope made of …
Robotics and Art
I don’t know about you but sometimes I get these post apocalyptic type ideas about Artificial Intelligence and Robotics. I mean hand in hand they could take over the world. Stephen Hawking has shared his …
Inspiration at the Tate Modern
On a leisurely Sunday this summer we took a stroll over to the Tate Modern. One of the many privileges Londoners have is the ease of access to world class art.
Zsa Zsa
This lovely creature is Zsa Zsa and arrived for my baby girl Ariela’s first birthday. A sweet note from her baby friend Leo came with it and the package was topped off by being filled with the gorgeous scent of lavender.
I created this illustration through a collage effect, sampling textures from one of my paintings and combining it with these beautiful birds and vintage imagery. All the pieces lingered in my mind until I could …